Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rainy Saturday

Another week has gone by the wayside already! An update on my tooth, the swelling has gone down, however, the pain is on again off again. Still have a few more days on the meds. Will call the dentist on Monday to set up an appointment for the tooth to be removed along with all the other teeth that is broken. I really have a hard time with visits such as these and tend to put them off way longer than I should. Hence the reason I had an abscessed tooth to begin with.

I have made several cards this past week and will take pictures of them when I can work out the lighting for my camera, so you can see the glitz and glitter. I love getting ready for Christmas, from the card making to the gift giving. When I start early enough I have enough cards to box up and give as gifts as well. And that makes everyone happy!

May you day be merry and bright, weather the sun is shining in your world or not. Thanks for stopping by and may God bless.

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